Attached or Single- attached to my wonderful husband Jason :)
Best Friend- See above
Cake or Pie- typically chocolate cake but I'm really craving fruit pie lately
Day of the week- Saturday usually tends to be a great stress!
Essential Item- Chapstick! I'm an addict.
Favorite Color- I would say purple, then I'd say yellow, or maybe red. So I'm not sure.
Gummy Bears or Worms- neither. I'd prefer chocolate to anything gummy.
Hometown- currently living in Hollister, CA but originally from Morgan Hill, CA
Indulgence- wine
January or June- definitely June. Not a fan of the cold.
Kids- 4 kids and 2 grand kids.
(This was taken 2 years ago)
Here is Abilene and Braelynn
Life isn't complete without- my family.
Marraige date- September 15, 2002
Here we are gettin' hitched....
(Sorry for the crappy, blurry pic:)
Number of Brothers/sisters- I have 2 older sisters.
Oranges or apples- hmm...probably oranges.
Phobias- my family teases me mercilessly over my fear of escalators. Crazy, I know.
Favorite Quote-

Reasons to Smile- when I get to hang out with these two....
Season of Choice- probably summer but I also love fall.
Tag 3 People- The Pavement Princess ( ) Lindsay in Training( ). Kate Moving Forward ( )
Unknown fact about me- I HATED any sports or physical activity when I was younger. I was the girl that would cut PE class. In college I took fencing. Now I love exercise!
Favorite vegetable- asparagus and homegrown tomatoes
Worst habit- my husband says its organization, or lack of. (I am a secret slob, closets and drawers are the worst)
X-ray or Ultrasound- ultrasound
Your favorite food- pizza and cold beer
Zodiac Sign- Pisces but I don't follow that stuff.
Well, that about about sums up little random facts about me!
Side note: my stupid iPad Blog app isn't letting me link to the 3 bloggers I choose but go check them out. I've "met" them all thru Instagram and so go check them out! Thanks to 2Chixrun26 for tagging me. (Check them out on Instgram as well :)