My kids are in the second week of school which means.....homework!
These are my 2 youngest. Beth is in second grade and Rachel is a sophomore in high school. Rachel just got in the water polo team and is exhausted everyday but she loves it. She is new to the sport and I am do proud she is really pushing herself. I would NEVER have done anything like that I high school. I was the kid that brought a forged note it I had a hangmail so I didn't have to do PE.
Anyway, now that my husbands triathlon is over I need to get moving on this marathon training. Saturday I ran the 8 miles while he was on his bike.
Workout Monday: ran easy 3 after work while Rachel rode her bike . Loved it.
Workout Tuesday: Crossfit @5:30 am
Strength: shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3 I'm weak so I only did 45#
Then for time: 10 rounds :
5 pull ups (I used a band)
10 pushups ( I do girl pushups)
15 double unders ( I had to do 30 singles)Sheesh....I sound so wimpy! I just started crossfit in January and if I'm training for something it gets put on the back burner if I need to get more running in. I'm trying to commit to 2x/week while I train for this marathon. I also don't push myself too hard for 2 reasons....1) I'm afraid I'll get hurt and 2) if I get too sore than it makes my runs a nightmare. Some sore is good but there's a fine line ;)
Well, it's getting late so I better hit the sack. I'm planning to get a Minestrone Soup in the Crock Pot before work tomorrow.
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