So, I've been reflecting on this past year and I realized I really did alot! Most importantly I did alot of things that really scared me. Last year was packed full of things things that challenged me and helped me grow, gain confidence and learn that I can do more than I realize.

February-Together WIth Love
5K/10K to benefit Monterey Rape Crisis Center
This is a beautiful course right along the ocean. Super fun race ( my second 5K ) and I loved it!
March -South Bay Duathlon
This was a huge , HUGE deal for me. It was a 2 mile run, 10 mile bike ride, 2 mile run. Training for this caused hip pain in my right hip so by the end it was really bothering me. It was also very intimidating because a lot of the participants are triathletes training for bigger races. However, we did it! Kinda sucked we didn't even get a medal though:)
April-Wildflower Run 5K/10K
I had signed up for the 10K but stepped it down to the 5K due to my hip problem. Doc said it was bursitis/tendonitis and said "no running". To me this translated to cutting back to the 5K. It was super windy that day I I realized that I HATE WIND!!
April - Tierra Bella
This was a bike ride. My first real, organized ride. There was a 60K, 100K, 100 M, 200 K. We did the 100K. It was brutal. I was not as prepared as I would have liked and not confidant at all on my bike. I basically walked up the steepest hill and the ride took me forever. This was when I realized I really preferred running :/
May -Ranch Romp- 5K mud run
This was quite interesting. I think it had 13 obstacles and mud pits. This was the first year for this run so it needed some improvements. The obstacles we clogged, so you had to wait which kinda screwed up the timing. Also, there was not enough water to hose off at the end. Too many people waiting for tiny little sprinklers. We decided not to wait, which meant we were in the parking lot with water bottles trying to clean up. Hopefully this year will be better. ( Not sure if I'll do mud again)
June -America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride-Tahoe
"The 72-mile America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride circumnavigates the highways clockwise around Lake Tahoe in both Nevada and California. It includes a challenging 800 foot climb to a rest stop overlooking Emerald Bay and a 1,000 foot climb to Spooner Junction. There are also many short rolling ascents and descents totaling over 4,000 vertical feet of elevation gain! The altitude ranges between 6,300 feet and 7,100 feet above sea level and the ride is recommended for conditioned recreational bicyclist, not for beginners"
This was probably more terrifying to me than running a marathon. I still was not confident on my bike, still scared of falling on hills. In fact, I did fall. I have a small scar on my left knee. and that was from a fall at Emerald Bay just getting on my bike and trying to clip in.
It was a beautiful ride, but exhausting and terrifying. Did I mention the part of riding on Hwy 50 with traffic? Thank God my husband booked us double massages right afterwards.
July- Wharf to Wharf-Santa Cruz
This race was amazing!! So, so much fun. It is 6 miles starting at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and ends at Capitola. It was the biggest race at that point I had been in with 15,000 racers. Very well organized and had tons of music/bands on every corner and lots of spectators . I will definitely do this race again. I was also so happy my husband ran it with me (and he didn't ditch me-he is much faster than me:)
August-Salinas Valley Half Marathon
Great race! my Half PR 2:20 and I loved every second. Click on the link to read my recap.
October -Morgan Hill Half Marathon
No picture of this one. This was tough for me. I was hoping for 2:30 because but I had a hard time with my left IT band. When it started hurting I started freaking out because I was training for CIM so I really didn't want it to set me back. Here's my recap.
November- Big Sur Half
Another great race. So beautiful and right along the water. We expected rain but the sun came out and it was gorgeous. Not a great race to PR due to a lot of walkers and picture taking opportunities but it was an awesome race. Another race I will do again. I might try to get in a better corral as to get away from the walkers. Big Sur has such great events and all so well organized.
And the perfect end of my year was my marathon. it didn't go as planned with the weather and with my shin splints but it was the perfect end to a year of me overcoming my fears.
Looking back I can't believe I did so much this past year and I'm excited to see what else I can do.
Fantastic job, Sandee! That is a huge list of accomplishments in a year...keep on keeping on!
Annie Brazeal