Happy New Year!!! It has been a busy couple of weeks with not much running involved so the blogging came to a screeching halt after CIM. But....I'm back!! Here is December :

After CIM I went to the doc about my shin splints. Not much help. Basically her answer to all my woes is "Don't run". Its been a month and it still bugs me but not as much. I might go back or I might talk myself into seeing an accupuncturist (even though my insurance won't cover it.) . I'll let you know.
I went to Colorado to visit my son and daughter in law and sweet grandbaby.
My DIL is pregnant and suffering with hyperemesis gravidarum. It is horrible and when I went out there she had lost a lot of weight, had been on IV treatment for weeks and had been hospitalized for 6 days. And even needed a feeding tube. Poor thing.My son was trying to care for her and their 2 year old and work. It was a mess. I had a wonderful time helping out. Mostly by playing with Abi (my favorite thing thing to do ). But I also got to go to the ultrasound and found out it's another girl!! Yay!! I was there about 5 days and just played, played, played and cooked a little for my son.
I am happy to report that Lacie is now 20 weeks pregnant, and feeling better. Still has some sickness but not nearly as bad as it was. Her spirits are better now that she is feeling that baby kicking around,too. :)
After Colorado, I came home with a cold that lasted about a week. I didn't feel all that bad, just run down and I sounded awful but I powered on....it was the week before Christmas and we had cookies to make....
and parties to attend....

ok...one more of Christmas...
I was very impressed this year because the day after Christmas ( and this NEVER happens) I suggested we take down the tree. My husband about fell over and immediately started taking things down before I could change my mind. I was so glad we cleared it all out because we were leaving for SoCal!!
First we went to Newport Beach for 3 days just to relax.
And we had to celebrate Rachel's Sweet 16!!
I also went on my last run of the year :)
On New Year's Day we headed over to DISNEYLAND!!
It was the perfect way to start the New Year.
(Follow me on Instagram @MidlifeMarathonCrisis)
I have a lot of goals and plans I have been working on so stay tuned.
So cool you could go help out your son and his wife! My SIL and sister who helped me when I was on bedrest with the twins were lifesavers. I still get a little teary-eyed thinking about how they saved me during that time.